*not an exhaustive list by any means - just the classes I have found invaluable so far
STATS202: Data Mining & Analysis
statistical regression techniques in R (principal components analysis, clustering, classification, cross validation, bootstrap, dimensionality reduction, splines, decision trees, support vector machines)
CS109: Introduction to Probability for Computer Scientists
probability theory (combinatorics, random variables, distributions, sampling, parameter estimation, machine learning [classification, naïve bayes, logistic regression])
CS107: Computer Organization and Systems
writing C programs that handle memory and pointers; understanding and improving address space, compile, and runtime behavior; translating between C and assembly; working in Unix
CS103: Mathematical Foundations of Computing
discrete mathematics (logic, proofs, graphs), computability theory (regular languages, Turing machines), complexity theory (P vs. NP)
ECON45: Using Big Data to Solve Economic and Social Problems
Stata; data analysis; experimental analysis; income, opportunity, and educational inequality
EARTH1B: Big Data for Sustainability
exploring AI / ML applications to solve challenges such as global energy needs, food and water insecurity, climate change, and natural hazards
CS279: Computational Biology: Structure and Organization of Biomolecules and Cells
computational techniques for studying the structure and dynamics of biomolecules and cells (protein structure prediction and design, molecular dynamics simulations, docking, image analysis of microscopy)