I'm currently a sophomore at Stanford Univeristy. I grew up next to New York City, in the sleepy town of Succasunna, New Jersey. I am a first generation college student, and my mom is a Vietnamese refugee; these two identities taught me that hard work, resilience, and a bit of luck can bring you a long way.
At school, I study symbolic systems - an interdisciplinary mix of CS, philosophy, and cognitive science. This stood out to me as the best way to study questions I've always had about human consciousness while gaining the technical skills to build artificial intellignece and machine learning models. Although technology will always evolve, I find computer science to be an extremely valuable framework for thinking and problem solving.
Professionally, I am interested in computational applications to sustainability, health care, finance, and public policy. I was raised to always practice empathy towards others and to have a deep respect for the environment - I try to weave these values into everything I do, including my work.
Outside of work, I try to surround myself with good music, good food, and good people. I enjoy being running and hiking, and am currently training for my first half-marathon.